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I understood how to get the slope of 2. how did you get the graph?

Answer provided by our tutors

To find the slope of a line, enter the equation into a new worksheet and press "Graph All". For any graphable equation, the software first manipulates it into its standard form before graphing; for a linear equation, that form is "y=mx+b" where the slope "m" may then be determined by inspecting the equation (for example, in the equation "y=-2x+4" "-2" is the correct value for "m"). For a parabolic equation, the standard form is y = a(x - h)^2 + k, from which direction (polarity of "a") and axis of symmetry (value of "h"), etc. may be determined by inspection.

So for you equation, the standard form is y=-2x and the slope is -2. 

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